Bus station San Benito de la Contienda

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Buses from San Benito de la Contienda to other locations. Prices, duration and departures

Route durationOperators Daily routes First departureLast departurefrom
San Benito de la Contienda - Sagrado Corazon de Jesús00h 30mDamas107:0007:002 €
San Benito de la Contienda - Badajoz00h 35mDamas107:0007:002 €
San Benito de la Contienda - Olivenza00h 10mDamas107:0007:001 €
* This information is for orientation purposes. Use our search feature to check the most current list of routes/excursions.

Bus routes to San Benito de la Contienda

Route durationOperators Daily routes First arrivalLast arrivalfrom
Badajoz - San Benito de la Contienda00h 35mDamas115:0515:052 €
Olivenza - San Benito de la Contienda00h 10mDamas115:0515:051 €
* This information is for orientation purposes. Use our search feature to check the most current list of routes/excursions.

Bus stations with routes from San Benito de la Contienda