Bus station Abrera

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Buses from Abrera to other locations. Prices, duration and departures

Route durationOperators Daily routes First departureLast departurefrom
Abrera - Golmés01h 43mAlsina211:1818:4815 €
Abrera - Sidamon02h 02mAlsina111:1811:1816 €
Abrera - Mollerussa01h 52mAlsina111:1811:1816 €
Abrera - Bell-lloc d'Urgell02h 07mAlsina111:1811:1817 €
Abrera - Tàrrega01h 17mAlsina111:1811:1812 €
Abrera - Vilagrassa01h 22mAlsina111:1811:1813 €
Abrera - Fondarella01h 57mAlsina111:1811:1816 €
Abrera - Cervera01h 02mAlsina111:1811:1810 €
Abrera - Bellpuig01h 33mAlsina211:1818:4814 €
Abrera - Lleida02h 22mAlsina211:1818:4819 €
* This information is for orientation purposes. Use our search feature to check the most current list of routes/excursions.

Bus routes to Abrera

Route durationOperators Daily routes First arrivalLast arrivalfrom
Mollerussa - Abrera01h 52mAlsina408:2221:2216 €
Golmés - Abrera01h 43mAlsina408:2221:2215 €
Lleida - Abrera02h 22mAlsina408:2221:2219 €
Cervera - Abrera01h 02mAlsina216:5221:2210 €
Sidamon - Abrera02h 02mAlsina408:2221:2216 €
Tàrrega - Abrera01h 17mAlsina408:2221:2212 €
Bellpuig - Abrera01h 33mAlsina408:2221:2213 €
Cervera - Abrera01h 02mAlsina212:2019:5010 €
* This information is for orientation purposes. Use our search feature to check the most current list of routes/excursions.

Bus stations with routes from Abrera